Quantumrun Foresight Platform

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The growing field of strategic foresight believes that understanding future trends will help organizations make better decisions today. Foresight empowers organizations with improved preparedness in challenging market environments. Quantumrun’s analysts and consultants help organizations make more informed decisions to guide their mid to long-term business strategies. 

Preparing corporations and governments to better adapt to future disruptive changes has been Quantumrun Foresight’s core mission since 2010. A trend intelligence and foresight consulting agency, Quantumrun Foresight has applied consulting and software platforms (profiled below!) to keep strategy, innovation, and R&D teams ahead of disruptive market shifts and has contributed to developing innovative products, services, legislation, and business models.

Reasons clients invest in foresight and trend intelligence services

  • Product development. Collect inspiration from future trends to design new products, services, policies, and business models your organization can invest in today.
  • Cross-industry market intelligence. Collect market intelligence about emerging trends in industries outside your team’s expertise that may directly or indirectly impact your organization’s operations.
  • Scenario building. Explore future (five, 10, 20 years+) business scenarios in which your organization may operate and identify actionable strategies for success in these environments.
  • Strategic planning & policy development. Identify future solutions to complex present-day challenges. Use these insights to implement innovative policies and action plans in the present day.
  • Tech and startup scouting. Research the technologies and startups/partners necessary to build and launch a future business idea or a future expansion strategy for a target market.
  • Funding prioritization. Use scenario-building exercises to identify research priorities, plan science and technology funding, and plan large public expenditures that could have long-term consequences (e.g., infrastructure).
  • Early warning systems. Establish early warning systems to prepare for market disruptions.

Introducing the Quantumrun Foresight Platform

The Quantumrun team built and released the Quantumrun trend platform during the 2020 Covid lockdowns. Witnessing the world-changing consequences of a lack of corporate, institutional, and even individual preparedness to disruptive events and trends, the Quantumrun team decided to automate and democratize its foresight consulting into an affordable trend intelligence software platform. The goal: To help individuals and companies of all sizes adapt to disruptive, future market environments.

Quantumrun Foresight’s trend intelligence platform exposes clients to daily customized trend research, provides collaborative tools to organize and centralize clients’ trend research long-term, as well as converts their research into new business insights instantly.

What are the platform’s main features?

  1. Identifying emerging trends

Human-AI trend spotting. Tech scouting, industry tracking, competitor alerts, regulation monitoring: Quantumrun Foresight’s AI news aggregator will simplify your team’s day-to-day trend research activities. Key benefits include:

  • Curate insights from millions of sources.
  • Track industry trends more quickly using AI.

Human trend spotting. Access daily trend reporting written by foresight professionals. Manually add or import your team’s internal trend research into the platform.

  1. Organizing trend research

Unify your trend research into a single, reliable source. Foster deep cooperation among your team, partners, and clients. Embrace the use of a cloud-based storage system for your signal cataloging needs. Empower your team to search, categorize, import, export, email, and share trend information meaningfully.

  • Bookmark trend research. Bookmark platform trend content into Lists that you can convert into visual graphs.
  • Create research Lists. Curate unlimited Lists for personal research projects or team research priorities.
  • Manually add team research. Use simple forms to add web links, team notes, and internal documents to the platform.
  • Bulk upload research database. Let Quantumrun upload your team’s entire trend database to create one source of truth.

  1. Visualizing research to generate new ideas

Instantly convert your research lists into visualizations designed to automate strategic planning, simplify market segmentation, and scale product ideation. 

  • Automate strategy planning. Optimize mid-to-long-range strategy roadmaps using a collection of quadrant graphs (SWOT, VUCA, and the Strategy Planner) to prioritize when to focus, invest, or take action on a future opportunity or challenge.
  • Discover product ideas. Use a moveable 3D grid that allows teams to identify hidden relationships between trends to help brainstorm innovative ideas for products, services, legislation, and business models.
  • Automate scenario planning. This project visualization automates the segmentation of your trend research using filters for year range, likelihood, and market impact, as well as tagging for sectors, industries, topics, and locations.

Subscription plans

Quantumrun Foresight offers a range of subscription options for individuals and teams to benefit from world-leading trend intelligence reporting and software.

Strategy, research, marketing, and product teams worldwide use the Quantumrun Foresight platform to reduce research time and costs to create future-ready business and policy solutions. 

Customized trend intelligence. Automated strategy planning. Scalable product ideation. Automated market segmentation. All these services make the Quantumrun Foresight Platform a versatile and flexible tool for forward-thinking organizations.

There is a way to get affordable yet – very powerful strategic foresight for even the newest of startups.

Discover the Quantumrun Foresight futurist platform and get all the services below for just the cost of a few lattes a month.

Tap into the robust platform and get daily trend reporting, project visualizations, exclusive webinars, access to a comprehensive industry news database, a curated trends list just for your company and much more.

Click Here To Learn More

Tony E.
Tony E.

Tony boasts a rich background in transforming intricate concepts into engaging content that resonates. With a seasoned background spanning healthcare, audit, and cybersecurity, he has shifted his focus to the nuanced world of effective PR. When he’s not crafting narratives, Tony channels his passion into songwriting and traveling the world. Join him on a journey where complexity meets clarity.

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